I sit on a flatbed pulled by a truck that has “Show Me The Twins” spelled out in large letters on its back liftgate. I am holding a euphonium.

All in another year of playing with the Pine Valley Royaltones Alumni Band. Band students from the history of the school make up the group, which play s in the annual Cherry Creek Independence Celebration parade down Main Street. We ride because marching would probably kill half of us.

I represent the Class of 2001. There are a couple guys still in the area who represent 2006. Everyone else is from the 1970s or back. We have no one who graduated from the ’80s or ’90s.

We play the same songs every year, which isn’t that bad since we only perform once per year. This time of year can get very repetitive, though. Yesterday I covered the same high school graduation ceremony I’ve been assigned to the past 5 years. I heard the same words. Saw the same processions. A one-time milestone for them; a reminder of my rut to me.

But sitting on the trailer, listening to the older members of the band as we waited for the parade to start, I watched the point to rundown, boarded up houses, describing how they were once vibrate homes and buildings. I haven’t seen much change around here, having stayed here through my life so far, but those who have left and come back, things have changed.

Things do change.